Visual and Neurocognitive Training
for Sports and performance vision



Sports and Performance Vision in Omaha



Vision is our dominant sense.  Some studies say 50% or more of our brain power is dedicated to our visual and visual-cognitive systems.  By helping improve those systems, an athlete can  improve his or her cognitive function to speed up the visual processing system and improve his or her reaction time.  The purpose is to try to slow the game down around the athlete to allow him or her to execute and make better decisions during competition.



 EYEgility Sports and Performance Vision is designed to help athletes, referees, gamers, and others improve Vision-Perception-Cognition-Reaction using technology and  hand-eye drills to help maximize athletic performance with the goal of improving results during competition.



EYEgility serves patients seeking to enhance dynamic visual acuity and sports performance through vision training.  This is done by maximizing visual acuity, dynamic visual acuity, visual awareness, and cognitive  processing, which leads to quicker reaction speed.  This is attained by helping to improve and maximize the 17 distinct visual skills needed to succeed in reading, learning, sports, and life!

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EYEgility Sports and Performance Vision

9973 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68136, United States


EYEgility Sports and Performance Vision Blog

About EYEgility

EYEgility Sports Vision : Maximizing vision and visual-neurocognition to improve an athletes ability to visually see sharper and clearer, increase neurocognitive reaction time, and improve sensorimotor abilities all through visual and neurocognitive training.


Why EYEgility Sports Vision?

There is more to athleticism than power and speed, and that is the connection between the eyes, brain, and body. At EYEgility, our purpose is to improve and train that connection with advanced visual technology to maximize the athletes visual potential and neurocognitive abilities to provide an edge for athletes to perform more consistently and at a higher level. Sports Vision technology is fast being understood as a way to improve an athlete’s abilities and is rapidly being adopted by professional sports teams and Division 1 Colleges across the United States.

At EYEgility, our technology allows us the ability to test the visual and neurocognitive abilities of the athlete. The brain is an very dynamic organ. Up to 65% of the brain is used for vision and 80% of what we perceive is from vision, and the ability to visually detect, quickly process, and rapidly respond to visual stimuli is critically important to a high performance athlete. These visual-motor and perceptual skills can vary considerably between athletes. Using the EYEgility testing results, Dr. Walter will design an individualized plan to improve the eye-hand coordination, perception training, multiple object tracking, dynamic vision, depth perception, visual reaction time, near-far visual quickness, and other visual and neurocognitive skills.  By improving these skill areas, the athlete will be able to improve dynamic vision, neurocognitive speed and function, and react more quickly during competition, improving his or her competitive edge, and potentially reducing the risk of injury and concussion by being able to react more quickly to adverse events. All of this leads to improved performance on the field and an extra edge versus the competition.

Dr. Adam M. Walter : As a high school and college athlete, Dr. Walter strived to look for ways to help him find an edge to compete at his highest level, whether through weight training, speed and agility drills, or diet. While getting his Optometry Doctorate at Indiana University, Dr. Walter became interested in sports vision. During this time at Indiana University, Dr. Walter worked with the Hoosier football team wide receivers under the guidance of Dr. Steve Hitzeman, O.D. to help improve these athletes sports vision capabilities. His passion for helping athletes succeed and looking for that edge has led him to create EYEgility Sports Vision Clinic

What to expect at EYEgility:  After the initial assessment, Dr. Walter will prescribe an individualized sports vision training treatment plan that will be created to help improve any areas that the athlete is deficient in.  The training will be in the areas of hand-eye coordination and reaction time and can run up to 8 weeks.  After the training,  the athlete will be reassessed to evaluate his or her improvement and any further training or maintenance skills required. The training results can also be compared to an athlete at the next skill level above the current one.  So high school athletes can be compared to college athletes at the same position, and college athletes vs. professionals at the same position, etc.  This allows an athlete that is trying to reach the next level an assessment to see what is needed to attain the skills required at that level.

EYEgility Sports and Performance Vision

9973 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68136, United States

(402) 218-4780